Wednesday Classes & Groups for 0-5 years in Ryedale
Find out about what’s on for babies and pre-schoolers in Ryedale, including playgroups, classes and drop-in activities – Wednesday Classes and Groups
Find out about what’s on for babies and pre-schoolers in Ryedale, including playgroups, classes and drop-in activities – Wednesday Classes and Groups
To celebrate the centenary of the London & North Eastern Railway (LNER) steam locomotive LNER A4 No. 60007 'Sir Nigel Gresley' returns to the NYMR to haul some special services....
29th September to 10th November, 10.30am – 3pm. The Secret life of Hedgerows Trail – Follow the trail to discover the secret life of our hedgerows and who might live there....
Grab your broomsticks and get ready for a bewitchingly brilliant day out. Gather round for tales from our spooky storytellers and solve creepy clues in our Halloween Quest. Join our...
27th October to 5th November and 10th to 12th November 2023. Departing at 6.15 pm or 7.45 pm. The 'Light Spectacular' costs £25 per person adult or child. Your ticket...
Pick up a brand new trail any day from Saturday 28th October until Thursday 2nd November 2023 The Museum will be decked out as we explore the magical superstitions and traditions...
Halloween/Guy Fawkes Trail: £1 per person inc. a prize, payable on the day.
The Halloween trail at Burton Agnes Hall & Gardens awaits intrepid explorers! Hunt for a frightfully fun series of handcrafted scenes in eerie woodland. Each dramatic scene asks a single...
Halloween fun in the Gardens from. Take the spooky trail, find the pumpkins, and dare you go down to the Stumpery? Creepy fun for all the family! Escape The Haunted...
Boccia & New Age Kurling – Following the hugely popular taster session run in the summer, county sports coach Joe McKechnie makes a triumphant return with these fantastic games. These...