Association of Breastfeeding Mothers
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers: 0300 330 5453 [9.30am-9.30pm] Email [email protected]
Breastfeeding Network Support line
Breastfeeding Network Supporterline: 0300 100 0210 [9.30am-9.30pm]
La Leche League
La Leche League: 0345 120 2918
National Breastfeeding Helpline
National Breastfeeding Helpline: 0300 100 0212 [9.30am-9.30pm]
National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
National Childbirth Trust: 0300 330 0771 [8am-10pm]
Nicola Coles-Carr
La Leche League Leader or breastfeeding counsellor for the Hambleton area (including Thirsk)
Keen to support mothers in our area on their breastfeeding journeys.
There is a monthly meeting on Zoom for breastfeeding discussion and support.
Please message Nicola on 07739 341605 and she will arrange a chat at a mutually convenient time.
More information on the La Leche website
Pickering Library, Tuesdays 1.30pm-3pm
Northallerton Library, Tuesdays 10am-11am
For more information on the service, please see the Growing Healthy North Yorkshire 0-19 App
Health Visitor SPoC number 0300 303 0916
Breastfeeding is a great way to get your baby off to the best start. Find out about the benefits and the local support available HERE