Pram, buggy and Nursery Equipment Cleaning Service

Pamper Prams provides a local cleaning service for all your pram systems, buggies, and extensive range of nursery equipment. Pamper Prams is the ideal service to use when your equipment simply needs a clean, spruce up, freshening up after storage or prior to buying or selling. Our aim is to provide a local, reliable service. Collection & return delivery available.

Full, comprehensive cleaning service for all your pram, buggy and/ or nursery equipment. Collection and return delivery available if required. Be proud of your Pram when you use Pamper Prams!

Strensall based business, operating in the York, Selby and Ryedale area.

Chassis/carrycot/pushchair seat  (full travel system)   £ 80.00
Pushchair seat/chassis                      £ 50.00
Carrycot/chassis                                 £ 50.00
Single folding buggy/stroller            £ 40.00
Double folding buggy/stroller          £ 70.00
Single jogger type                               £ 60.00
Double jogger type                             £ 70.00
Single carrycot                                     £ 30.00
Single pushchair seat                          £ 25.00
Highchair                                               £ 20.00
Travelcot                                               £ 25.00
Crib/next to me                                     £ 30.00
Bouncy chair                                           £ 15.00
Footmuffs                                               £ 5.00


Collection and return delivery available @ either £10 within a 10 mile radius or £20 for all other destinations within the service area.

07772 076379

