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Learn how to stop shouting and come back to calm Online Workshop

April 25, 2019 @ 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

You’re exhausted aren’t you? Just. So. Tired. 😴

Tired of shouting
Tired of feeling out of control
Tired of fighting with your children
Tired of feeling confused and conflicted about how to handle them
Tired that you can’t seem to act in the way you want to
And tired of feeling at a loss about what you can do about it

Nothing works for very long. Nothing feels quite right and comfortable.

You find yourself behaving in ways you detest. You find yourself unable to pre-empt the angry words that spew from your mouth or the shouting that seems to be the only way to get them to listen. You sometimes feel that perhaps you just aren’t cut out for this mothering gig.

Why does it feel so hard? 😤😭

You know how you want to act and feel but you don’t know how to get there. In the heat of the moment, all of your good intentions disappear into nothingness. You don’t know how to get from where you are to where you want to be.

You want to make raising your children easier and happier.

You want to stop shouting
You want them to listen
You want to feel the warm glow of connection with them
You want to go to bed, at night, feeling good about the way you’ve handled your day
You want to feel that inner calm that seems just out of reach

And you’re sick of being given strategy after strategy, script after script.
You’re sick of being told what to do by people who have no idea what your family is like.

You want an understanding, you want a foundation. You want something that will help you be the parent you want to be, in any situation, without having to get the answers from anybody else. Without having to remember a hundred rules and a hundred ways.

Well, there’s some pretty great news…

The problem is not you. The problem is not your children. We just need to look at it from a different angle. We need to strip it down to the basic fundamentals. We need to dig down and lay the foundations so that our lives can feel whole, sturdy, easy and RIGHT.

It’s entirely possible to make that change and to notice the impact pretty quickly. It’s entirely possible to gain a new understanding of raising children, of living life. And that understanding makes all the difference.

You can literally rewire your brain until a calm, confident response is your natural, automatic response.

🤔If you’re thinking:

“There must be a simpler way to raise my children. It can’t really be this stressful ALL THE TIME!”

You’d be right! It CAN be easier. You CAN have more fun. You CAN follow your intuition and parent on your own terms without following a rule book (and still raise pretty amazing kids!) You just need someone to show you. Sometime to reveal the simplicity. Someone to help you implement it.

🔥Join me a for a live, 2 hour workshop where we’ll focus on:🔥

✅Why you shout (and why it feels like you can’t control it)
✅What you can do about it (hint, it’s less strategy and more about a glimpse
into a much deeper world than mere scripts and parenting techniques)
✅Q&A where you can ask me anything

WHEN: Thursday 25th April 2019 8pm – 10pm
WHERE: Your computer/phone/tablet, you’ll get a Zoom link to join

And don’t worry if you can’t make it live – you’ll get the recording to watch at your leisure and keep forever!

Changes you can expect to see:

💜Calmer mornings and bedtimes where things flow more smoothly and everyone does what they need to do with far fewer tears, tantrums and less shouting

💛A warmer, more connected relationship with your child

💙A clear understanding of the principles that all parenting relies on – a clarity that leads to ease, fun, calm and a feeling of ‘all is right with the world’

💛A child who listens and wants to co-operate with your requests

❤️Confidence in your parenting and that satisfied feeling at the end of the day that, perhaps, you really are a great mum, after all

💜A calm response to your children that becomes automatic


PLUS a couple of fabulous bonuses:

✅A downloadable pdf of the main principles PLUS all of my best tips and strategies for managing tricky situations and staying calm (because we all like a cheeky little strategy now and again!)

✅A video recording of the workshop to refer back to whenever you need a boost

Contact Lauren via email, Laurenpartington@calmfamily.org or book here https://bit.ly/2I0Wl2q


April 25, 2019
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

